December 21, 2006

Reproduction and Fertility. Part II

Contraceptive methods

The contraceptive methods differ from each other according to your family planning method.

Hormonal contraceptives

Once the oral contraceptives are suspended, the average rate of fertility gradually recovers (6 to 8 months).

In general, it is recommend leaving them and waiting two regular cycles to try conception, since late or multiple ovulations would come up, due to the fact that hormonal suspension, the system does not work normally. This makes difficult determining the pregnancy age and increases the possibility of multiple pregnancies.

In the case, of injecting contraceptives, the system may take until six months to go back to its normal functioning. It is advisable to ask your gynecologist before starting pregnancy exposure.

In the case of condoms, it is just necessary to leave them and get exposed to pregnancy.

Intrauterine devices
After the extraction of intrauterine devices, it is recommended to wait a cycle before starting to try a pregnancy, due to the fact that the endometrium is still inflamed. If it is a hormone-releasing device, the advice sit he same as with the oral contraceptives.

Natural methods
These methods consist in the identification of the fertile stage, whether by the evaluation of cervical mucus, basal temperature or fertility monitors that estimate hormonal levels through urine simples. For this, the couple can only have sex during fertile days.


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