October 6, 2006

FAQ’s on fertility: Part II

Can I get pregnant having a myoma? And if I get it would I have risk of having an abortion?
It depends on the size of the myoma. Small myomata do not compromise your fertility and the possibility of getting pregnant. The ones close to the uterus wall can affect pregnancy. The average weight increase is around 26 pounds all along the nine months. This increase depends on your previous weight.

In plus size women we expect a weight increase of 22 pounds at maximum; and in slender women until 30 pounds. At the 7th month the baby has still to reach 200 grams per week, which will make the mother trespass the 26 pound barrier. If there is no gestational diabetes there is no much to worry about.

Nerves influence in getting pregnant?
Stress is definitely is one of the most complex and frequent causes that can negatively alter reproduction. This is why many patients who have given up trying to get pregnant decide to adopt a baby, they get spontaneously pregnant later, due to the fact that adoption dramatically reduces stress and allow them to get easily pregnant.

I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant but no results, should I get tested?
Yes, if you have been a year you should get some fertility tests.

I and my husband are not so young, what we should consider if we decide to have a baby?
After 40 the chances of getting pregnant decrease and the risk of genetic alterations start increasing.


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