October 2, 2006

FAQ’s on fertility: Part I

Are ovulation tests useful?
Yes, they are, but they are difficult to use. Gynecologists can offer more effective treatments when they detect difficulties for getting pregnant.

Is it difficult to conceive when I have vaginal dryness?
When there is too much dryness it is possibly you are not ovulating, since during the ovulation period there is a lot of estrogen stimulus that increase the cervical mucus, which makes a woman more available to have sex.

Can I get pregnant if I have infant womb?
Having a small womb does not mean you are unable to get pregnant or to have a miscarriage.

I have an abundant period, is there any solution?
Depends if you want to get pregnant or not. You make take contraceptives or induce your ovulation and handling the luteal phase 8by a gynecologist of course).

How can I know my ovulation days?
Depends on the length of your ovulation cycle. Normally in 28 day periods the ovulation occurs in the 14th day. There are other alternatives as the cervical mucus evaluation, the basal temperature and the ovulation tests.


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