November 1, 2006

Natural fertility methods: Part II

The basal body temperature method

This method is based on the increase of the temperature that the progesterone hormone produces in women. This hormone start circulating in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, this is, once the follicle has become into corpus luteum, after the ovulation has been produced. When the temperature of a woman is up it means she has ovulated. Regularly, temperature rises is 0.2 °C or 0.4 F°. To keep a record, you have to take your basal temperature everyday with the same thermometer in the same conditions, at the same hour, after at least to hours of relax.

If you wish to postpone pregnancy by the Basal Temperature method you have to keep sexual abstinence from the period until 3 days after the increase of temperature above the 6 previous days, known as the 3/6 rule.

Method security: 99%, but requires a prolonged abstinence.

Ovulation method or Billings method

This natural fertility treatment is based on the determination of the own woman of her fertile and infertile phase of her menstrual period, through the daily observation of her cervical mucus segregated by the vagina. This consists on having a graphic where everyday the woman writes down the changes he observes on the cervical mucus. For this, the woman has to phase a piece of toilet paper through her vagina before and after doing her necessities and observe if she finds mucus or not, as well as its characteristics. This is a safe method, but it has to be thought by your specialist during at least three months.


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