September 13, 2006

Mother over 40

Is a pregnancy risky after 40 years old?

Probably you have heard that pregnancy after base four is more risky. How true is this? It’s common hearing that the perfect age for getting pregnant is between 20 and 30 years old. In fact, the ideal age for a pregnancy is in which the couple is mature enough to make a big decision like having a child.

Very day is more frequent that couples, due to work reasons or professional development, decide to put it off until their 40’s. Or in other cases, when already having bid children, they decide to have a new baby.

What complications might be?

Being 40 is not a synonym of pregnancy complications. Being 40 means organic and emotional maturity, in which you have to be more careful of your health because they start appearing certain pathological conditions as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, hyperthyroidism and problems for keeping a right weight.

Now, it’s possible to diagnose any disorder or prevent it before pregnancy. Other diseases that may affect a pregnancy are high blood pressure, preeclampsy (hyper tension during of after getting pregnant), pregnancy diabetes and premature births or low weight babies.

Fertility decreases with age?

It’s true that fertility decreases with age and the frequency of genetic diseases too, whether in the first of sixth pregnancy, like Down syndrome, according to the mother’s age at the birth’s moment.

How can I prevent complications?

Many complications can be prevented with a correct prenatal test and following the doctor’s indications. An ordered life in every aspect: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, emotional stability and your partner’s cooperation are the best formula for a healthy pregnancy at any age.


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