July 20, 2006

Zinc: A Natural Fertility Enhancer

Did you know that scientists have continuously studied zinc’s impacts fertility in both males and females? Did you know that this nutrient has been found in high levels in foods used by traditional cultures to enhance fertility? In the next lines we’ll show you the wonders zinc can work in a natural and accessible way.

Zinc has been shown to be quite important to sperm health and thus vital to male fertility. If a man's zinc levels are often low, so are his semen levels. Healthy sperm is vital not just for fertility, but for the health of your future baby as well.

Chromosomal changes may occur if you have low zinc levels, which can increase your risk of having an abortion and harm your future child. Zinc also helps your system to synthesize and use the hormones you need to get and stay pregnant.

Traditional cultures have always appreciated foods high in vitamin A –also known as retinol- since rich foods heighten fertility and help ensure the newborn baby’s health). Taking vitamin A in large quantities during pregnancy is not to take for granted. However, researchers have found that natural vitamin A is vital for conception and for healthy fetal development.

The best way to get zinc and vitamin A is through foods. You body absorbs nutrients in food much better than it does from pills. And food is a much more pleasant way to enhance your fertility!

In ancient times, cultures nourished women and men with special diets in the months leading up to conception. Shellfish were often part of these diets and we know today that shellfish are high in zinc. As a matter of fact, fish were a large part of these diets. Do fish oils have natural retinol in them? Of course, you can take a teaspoon of cod liver oil daily to get the same benefits that these cultures enjoyed.

Other cultures depended on cattle for their nutrients. Beef, butter, cheese, and milk are great sources of zinc and retinol. Butter from healthy cows fed with natural pasture contains vitamin A and many trace minerals, and the most important thing: no dangerous trans-fats. Recent investigations have shown that women who include milk in their daily diet during pregnancy have healthier, higher birth weight babies and are less prone to deliver prematurely. Milk is rich in many vitamins and minerals, as well as protein.

Many seeds and bean are rich sources of zinc. Chickpeas and tahini, butter made from chickpeas, has been used for ages and is especially high in zinc. Carrots and leafy greens are good providers of beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A.

Enjoy a varied diet with emphasis on fresh, whole foods. Always keep in mind adding milk or milk products, leafy vegetables, and shellfish into your diet. Take a teaspoon of cod liver oil everyday. Adding these foods will increase the zinc and vitamin A in your diet and in your partner's diet. This is no sacrifice, believe me, it’s a reeducation of your nutritional habits that will be very pleasant by giving you a greater health and greater fertility!


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